Psychology Most commonly used animals in research; involved:
Emotions and Motivations Which is the main sugar that the body uses for energy?
Brains, Bodies and Behaviour In evolutionary terms, which is the oldest part of the brain?
Everyday Science, Psychology Which part of the endocrine system is sometimes called the “master gland”?
Brains, Bodies and Behaviour Electrical stimulation of the reticular formation would most likely cause an animal to:
Treating Psychological Disorders A fetus is most vulnerable to damage from drugs used to treat the mother’s mental illness during:
Emotions and Motivations People who are experiencing high levels of arousal from one event tend to experience unrelated emotions more strongly too. This is called:
Brains, Bodies and Behaviour The effect of neurotransmitters may be:
Introduction to Psychology Which field of psychology would be most likely to study the influence of over-crowding on conformity?
Psychology in Our Social Lives According to the “foot in the door” technique, you are more likely to be able to change someone’s attitude if you: