Deserts and Plains in the World
Taklamakan Desert is located in which country?
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Namib Desert is located in:A. Chad
B. Niger
C. Libya
D. Namibia
Karakum desert is located in:
A. Mongolia
B. Botswana
C. Turkmenistan
D. Kazakhstan
How much land does the Thar Desert cover?
A. 70,000 sq miles
B. 71,000 sq miles
C. 77,000 sq miles
D. 78,000 sq miles
Where is the Great Victoria Desert located?
A. Iran
B. Egypt
C. Brazil
D. Australia
Where is the Sonoran Desert located?
A. Brazil
B. Namibia
C. China
D. North America
Where is the Atacama Desert located?
A. China
B. Bolivia
C. Chile
D. Brazil
The second largest desert of the world is:
A. Gobi Desert
B. Sahara Desert
C. The Arctic Desert
D. Namib Desert
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